Children and Youth Ministries


“Hear, O Israel:  The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.  And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. …”

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Following God’s command to teach our children about our faith, we have weekly church school (September – June); Confirmation Class; monthly Kids Club and other Special Opportunities for our Children.  Through our ministry in Christian Education, young and old alike learn more about scripture and grace as we grow in Christ and learn to live and serve in God’s world.

Sunday School:  Children and Youth (birth -12th grade)

Children and Youth (birth – 12th grade) attend church school concurrently with worship.  They begin the morning in worship with their parents.  After the Children’s Time, a special message for our children, the children leave for church school for a time of education suitable to their age.

Younger children learn a story from scripture along with play games and/or make a related craft to learn about God’s love.

Youth have a chance to explore scripture through discussion and activities as they seek to figure out what relevance the Bible has for them.

Kids Club

Kids Club is a special time when our children (K-6th grade) gather for games, crafts, a story and a DVD.  We start the evening with a light “kid friendly” dinner.  It takes place on the second Friday of every month.

The theme of this year’s Kids Club is “A Kingdom” so we’ll teach about Jesus with lots of knights, castles, and princesses.

Cost: $5 per child to cover the light dinner, snack and materials.

Call the church office (610-539-5599) for more information or to register.

Special Opportunities for Children

We celebrate our children as members of our church family.  Infants and children are given candles to remember their baptisms.  We give our Third Graders their “very own” Bible.  When our children are confirmed (typically 6th – 9th graders) receive a special remembrance of this special day.  Please contact the pastor if you would like to discuss any of these special moments on your child’s faith journey.

There are other special opportunities for our children as a group.  They include:

– Our annual Easter egg hunt.

– December children and youth led service followed by pinata and goodies following worship.
