Special Worship Services in “Old Norriton”
Three times a year, we worship in “Old Norriton”, the oldest Presbyterian church building in Pennsylvania. Old Norriton is the historic church located on our property. In Old Norriton, you feel surrounded those who have gone before us in faith in this place where George Washington visited troops during the Battle of Germantown and Ben Franklin and David Rittenhouse attended worship. Singing accompanied by the Krauss pipe organ sounds like choirs of angels.
Here are the times we traditional worship in Old Norriton:
– Easter Sunrise (worship co-led by Norriton and Lower Providence pastors), time varies
– Fourth of July (or the Sunday closest to it), 9:30 A.M.
– Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 11:00 P.M.
Other Special Services
Other special services include our Good Friday Cantata with over 50 other local musicians; special Advent and Lent services; and we worship with other local Presbyterian Churches during Holy Week and at other special times.
In addition, one Sunday morning a year, our worship service is “The Church Has Left the Building”. On that Sunday, we gather for a scripture lesson, hymn and a prayer and then go into God’s World for mission work. Some of our projects have been stocking shelves at a local food bank; cleaning out an elderly person’s attic; making cookies and cards for Veterans; and making meals for Aid for Friends. “The Church Has Left the Building” Sunday is typically in late October or early November.
Call the church office, 620-539-5599, for more information about worship times and opportunities.
Visitors are always welcome to join us for worship and fellowship after the service. We are known for our friendly atmosphere and would love to welcome you to our church family!